Eu gostei de alguém que não gostou de mim do mesmo jeito, isso acontece com todo mundo, faz parte da vida! Não devemos enxergar as coisas pelo lado negativo, e sim pelo lado positivo, por exemplo, no meu caso, esse amor não correspondido serviu para me inspirar e eu preciso de inspiração para escrever.
Me inspiro, por isso escrevo.
Já dizia o poeta:
"A dor é inevitável. O sofrimento é opcional"
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade)THANK YOU
Thanks for not coming here this time
I could not stand the fact
I could not stand the fact
of having you and not having anymore
Thanks for not showing up
I don't wanna feel used
I wanna feel loved
and that´s something
you cant give me
Thanks for not being around
You already love someone
and it´s not me
and that´s fine
Thanks for not being here
I'm not crazy
I'm just a woman
a stupid one
in love for the wrong men
But unfortunately I cant help it
Since the very first day I saw you
that night before Christmas
it was like a bad gift
I fell for you
Thanks for not coming
That was very honest
Your face will fade away
from my mind
from my heart
from my life
I'm sure